Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's my turn to act my age...

and state that I hate boys.

>:( geez.
I seriously wish I had a guy best friend who DIDN'T have a 13 year old mind or be someone I just can't stand. I wish he would be honest with me too, and not fabricate things to make them seem better than they really are. I wish it wasn't my dad too, because idk. I don't like talking about boys to him.

On the upside.

KDXLFHLKDHF I GET TO MEET EMILY DRISKILL (that's how epic she is. she gets capitals that're bolded and italicized) ON WEDNESDAY. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW FREAKIN EXCITED I AM?! SDKHFLDH RAHHHH. I'm seriously exploding with anxiousness. If I didn't have so much gosh darn homework, I would go to sleep right now and do that every night until wednesday came.

So excited. This is like, the equivalent of meeting Michael Phelps. That's also a huge lie. I would cry so hard if I met him.

This is pretty big though. I mean her work was what really inspired me to get into photography. At first I thought it was cool and all, yeah, but I wasn't interested. Of course, then I saw some of her pictures of Envy, and I totally changed my mind haha.

Man, I'm so stoked!

If only I didn't have that golf tournmament monday. Time would go so fast, I wouldn't even know what hit me! haha

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