Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Haven't I already blogged about this?

Love. What is love? Does it still exsist?

I would hope to think it does. When I look at people on the streets or around school, I would think it does. But then the...facade fades, and I come back to reality. Is it really possible for two people to stay in love forever?

I guess it is. My grandma's still in love with my grandpa, I think. He's been gone for around three years now, but I know she still loves him and thinks about him. You can tell she misses him when we joke about his love for extra information, or how she rambles on about how he loved the weirdest foods. Obviously, they show love can last. As can a lot of aged couples.

But what I want to know, is can love last in this day? If two people fell in love today, would they stay in love and together, or would they spread apart like the rest of the couples in the world? Would having a child and working different hours separate them, or would it bring the right people closer? Are we just not looking deep enough in our partners, or is love just truly impossible, now?

I was just looking at this blog, it's Ace Enders' wife's blog about being pregnant on the road. Now, that...is a couple I envy. Just reading her blog (oh my god, I'm going to sound so cheesy right now) made me feel all mushy inside. I felt my eyes start to well up. Not because I was sad or anything, just because of how great they were together as a couple. It's something I, personally, haven't seen ever in a couple so young. I mean they're having a baby for Christ's sake while on the road together. They're never apart. That would drive a modern couple mad. Yet somehow they seem happier than ever, or, at least she does. She talks about the things she does with her baby, and how she feels like they'll be a great family. Even writing this is making me emotional.

I guess I've just never seen anything like it. Sure, I've seen it in movies, and yeah, I've read about it in books, but I've never SEEN it.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Hopefully I get to see them when they pass through Houston. If not, I'll still send them my best wishes...through telepathy or something, hah.

L-l-l-loooveeee. They make me believe in it again. Maybe not all relationships these days are doomed.

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