one bit! I wish i didn’t have to go tomorrow, actually.
i hate the fakeness of everybody, the girls trying to sell themselves short for what they really are, the rudeness of the people who think they really have a chance, the moral boundaries that’re broken, the things that’re taken for granted, the feeling of everyone’s a friend of the band, and especially the sheer shallowness of it all.
i just don’t miss it. i don’t want to be back there, and tomorrow will be the last time i am.
You know, Molly, I actually have to agree with you about this. =( Last Wednesday, I went to see the Audition, and something inside me had changed regarding the way I felt about being there. In fact, I didn't want to be there at all. I enjoyed the show very much, but there were these two fifteen year old girls that had befriended my sister once who I wanted to stab the eyes out of, and it made me realize how fake the show industry had become. I do admit to wanting to be friends with the bands, but there are a lot of boundaries that have been crossed. I've even crossed a lot of those, and I felt like such a sick human being afterward.
Going to shows was such a big deal to me; I absolutely loved going more than anything. It was always so fun, and it didn't hurt that I was able to meet the bands, but I've become a witness to it erupting into something it should never have been, especially when I saw bands like All Time Low and nevershoutnever (don't judge me, ha ha) and it makes me feel really, really sad to see what it's become. Of course, I do have a tendency to see really shitty bands where I hate all of the fans anyways, but in the end, I feel pretty much the same way. I don't think, however, that I could ever stop seeing bands like Envy on the Coast, though. ;)
I take foreverrrrr to comment back, hahaha.
And I completely agree about feeling like a creeper now outside the tour buses. I used to wait around the venue lobby out of pure innocence, but out of nowhere, it suddenly became okay to venture further into their, like you said, temporary residences, but it's not okay.
I have honestly begun to think that way a little bit, and it's been really hard to get myself out of that mindset. If a band member I'd like to meet just so happens to cross my path or is outside meeting other kids, then sure, why not, but this whole scene is pushing the limit. Yeah, and I don't think it's right, even though I, myself, have become involved.
Yeah, I get the same feelings now. =( I don't know when the pure innocence and fun factors were taken out of showgoing, but that's where I feel like it's gone.
Haha! I know you've got my back. ;)
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