Saturday, April 4, 2009

I feel like I'm walking on nails around you,

and I know that's not how friends are suppose to feel.

I feel like you're just constantly judging me lately, and I know that's not how friends are suppose to feel.

I feel like I'm the only one putting effort into this friendship, and I know that's not how friends are suppose to feel.

I feel like you just kind of don't like me anymore, and I really know that's seriously not how friends are suppose to feel.

So how do I fix it?

1 comment:

billielightning said...

this sounds like my last relationship.
you can talk to them about it, at risk that it'll make things awkward or worse but possibily figuring things out.
Or you can ignore it and one of two things will happen. a) you'll drift apart or b)(and this is rare) it was a phase your friend was going through and the problem will go away....

ugh. I wish I was better at giving advice....not that you asked for it or anything :/