Tuesday, August 18, 2009

are you my mother?

uhm, i don't know what to say. i mean, i do, but i don't know how to do it without sounding...i don't know.

let's see. my mom's fallen off the face of the earth. i'm not really sure WHAT she's into anymore, but i don't really care. i just kind of told her i was done, and it's easy to stay that way. it's a lot easier to avoid her when i don't want to catch her in the act.

anyways, this morning i was wondering, how is she going to go to school if she's still doing this whole pill poppin 24/7 thing. i hadn't even been sure if she'd like...been going to work on stuff, or been doing it on her way home. either way, it wasn't good.

uhm, but anyways. she had some big talk with her mom i guess, that straightened her up. not sure what it was, but yeah. anyways, she came home totally sober today, and stayed that way all day. pretty cool stuff. hopefully it stays this way.

kay, well. i'm ending this. i'm going to go watch ryan on the modcam thingy now. wooo envy on the coast, haha.

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