Wednesday, June 9, 2010


i don’t know what to write aboutttt. i just watched this movie by michael moore called capitalism: a love story. it was really good. it opened my eyes to a lot of fucked up things. i kind of knew about them, but not to their full extent, i guess.

we, as americans, are fucked up. we play with our lives, and cry when we fail. games have winners and losers, but right now, we’re all losers. so why can’t we win? why can’t we get off of our losing asses, and win?

because we’re greedy, that’s why. because we’re greedy, and we like short cuts and loopholes and things that make winning easy. but what we don’t see, is that we’ll never win unless we take the long way. we’ll never truly win, until we stop seeing america as a big i and little u’s. WE are americans. WE belong to the country america. so why do WE continue to fuck each other over even though WE are all the same? until i can figure this out, and the rest of us can too, we’ll always be the same. no change is in our futures, obviously. even obama couldn’t ‘change’ anything for us, like he solemnly swore he could.

we’re just another fucked up country who’ll be in the history books for our fucked up demise.

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