Friday, December 25, 2009

Oh, you know what? Next week's no good for me... The Jonas Brothers are in town. But any week after that, it's totally fine.

i've been enjoying myself lately. what's a blog with a happy person, though? doesn't it defeat the purpose of interesting blogging if you're just saying how good your life is?

haha, whatever. it's been okay. my bank keeps fucking me over, but otherwise!

i got together with some family today (christmas?), it was nice seeing them. they live a couple of hours away, so i don't typically see them very often. then again, i haven't seen the family in tyler in god know's how long, so maybe i should reconsider what often is. anyways, we all went to church last night, and normally it's all good and stuff, but this time around i had a proble with it. the pastor said something about christmas songs not being very christian anymore.

please remind me how christian christmas even is now days. half of the people who celebrate just do it people it's what society knows what to do. december 25th is christmas, no matter what you believe. now some people follow their religion and remember christmas for jesus' birth, or follow the other traditions for hanakkuh, kwanza, ect, but out of however many people in america there are, how many really do that? how many really celebrate christmas because jesus christ was born in a tiny manger in a tiny town to non-socialite parents? or is it more of a celebration because finally it's that time of the year when you get a week off from work and a raise to help fund those pricey gifts you have to buy?

i have no problem with that, though. to each his own, right? the problem i have is this pastor was saying something about how we shouldn't pay attention to the non-christian christmas songs. really? i mean, i like my jingle bell rock and, well, i'd like to keep my halls decked! i'm not going to completely ignore the christmas traditions because they're not properly "christian". who is properly christian anymore? who's going to turn off the radio because the stations are trying to make everybody happy by not shoving christian christmas songs down their throats? who's going to discourage their kids from humming that catchy wham! song they heard playing on the soft rock station 10 times in an hour? who's going to be a debby downer of a party and change white christmas because it's not christian enough?


i mean, i love going to the christmas service. don't get me wrong. but sometimes people need to calm down and see that nothing is fully about christianity anymore. it's nothing to be discouraged about, it's just the world expanding to accomidate everybody now. house holds would be depressing without christmas, but if it were just a christian holiday, then a lot of people would be without. by expanding it, it's become a cheerful time for all, and it's probably even turned some people on to the religion and the original traditions and meanings.

i'm tired.
i'm tired of ranting too.
i'm going to stop making sense if i continue.

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