Wednesday, February 17, 2010

today wasn’t bad

it wasn’t good, either, though.

i think i have a tooth coming out in the wrong spot. :( it’s really bizarre. i hope it’s not actually a tooth, but just a sore spot, or something.

i don’t really have anything to rant about, today. maybe the fact that i don’t have hall & oates’ greatest hits, yet. and that my dad’s keeping my camera away from me. >:( nothing really important, though, haha.

i really feel like blogging, though. i want to think of something to blog about!

eh, i don’t know. i guess this is it.

ps. i’m thinking about tearing down all of the posters in my room. i’m just kind of done with them, ahaha. especially since i’ve moved on from that stage in my life. i don’t even listen to the majority of these bands, anymore. i want to paint something cool on my walls. or get some cool artwork for them! like the pictures at urban. they’re so wonderful. like, they’re nothing special. it’s not like they’re OMG SO AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY. they’re just cute, and they’d look good.

i was thinking about decorating my room with pictures of cities. i’ve always been more of a cityscape person, over a regular landscape. urban had a picture of NYC, and target had one of paris that i really loved. hm. this could work.

we’ll see where this takes me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i feel awful

not emotionally, but physically.

i feel like i’m going to throw up/explode/shrivel up and die…all at once.


mmmmph. i hate being a female.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I don’t miss the alternative-pop-punk-rock-whatever concert scene

one bit! I wish i didn’t have to go tomorrow, actually.

i hate the fakeness of everybody, the girls trying to sell themselves short for what they really are, the rudeness of the people who think they really have a chance, the moral boundaries that’re broken, the things that’re taken for granted, the feeling of everyone’s a friend of the band, and especially the sheer shallowness of it all.

i just don’t miss it. i don’t want to be back there, and tomorrow will be the last time i am.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

i feel like the world’s worst friend

i can’t even give advice on something i know all too much about.

why do i even bother to be anyone’s friend, anymore? i’ve been completely awful at helping anyone with their problems, lately.

i can feel the depression washing over me. meh.




Thursday, February 4, 2010

i give up

i completely, and utterly give up.

at least you got him out of my head for a little bit.

Monday, February 1, 2010

you’re stupid

and i don’t like you. i really should just stop talking to you. every time i do so i just want shoot you in the foot. i don’t want to be mean though, but you’ve got so many friends, i don’t think you’d notice i was missing.

hm. that’s really appealing, now that i think about it. maybe i’ll slowly start to do just that.

god, you and your stupid need for advice. that’s pathetic.